Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Healthy Lemon Curd in the Thermomix

I am a big fan of sweet, gooshy textured desserts. My favourite things to eat include custards, ice cream, chocolate mousse and tiramisu. If its squishy and creamy, I'm into it! Lemon curd is another favourite, and I'm just so chuffed to have come up with a recipe whose ingredients are good for me, using an unprocessed sweetener. This lemon curd is so healthy, in fact, that I even found once that it alleviated my symptoms when I had a cold! Lemon is a great unsung healing agent, anti viral as well as anti bacterial, and coconut oil boasts the same qualities.

 I've used this recipe for lemon merengue pie and mini lemon tarts, both using almond flour pie crust. It also makes a wonderful food gift in a pretty jar.

When I make it I use rise malt syrup as the sweetener. If you plan to use raw honey instead, start small. Honey is much sweeter and has a stronger flavour than rice malt syrup, so I'd try a quarter of a cup. 

Lemon Curd Recipe

1/2 cup fresh lemon juice (100g)
1/2 cup rice malt syrup (170g)
Scant 1/2 cup coconut oil (70g)
3 eggs and 1 yolk

Place all the ingredients into the thermomix. Set to 70 degrees for 7 minutes on speed 4.
Tadaa! Enjoy it any way you like. If you have a great idea for including this recipe in your baking, let me know!

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